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Whither the Global Economy?

Author: lskramer

Kazuhide Ishikawa
Kazuhide Ishikawa

Kazuhide Ishikawa, longtime Japanese diplomat, was the featured speaker at the ninth annual Manatt-Phelps Lecture in Political Science on Oct. 26, 2010. His lecture, “Whither the Global Economy?” was held in ISU’s Memorial Union Sun Room.

Kazuhide Ishikawa
Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan

Ishikawa is Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C. Prior to his current position, he was consulate general of Japan in Detroit. Ishikawa is a career diplomat who has served for more than 30 years in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including positions with the Economic Affairs Bureau and Foreign Policy Bureau.

Kazuhide Ishikawa
Charles T and Kathleen Manatt, Kazuhide Ishikawa, and Elizabeth and Thomas D. Phelps

Ishikawa is a graduate of the University of Tokyo and earned a master’s degree in international relations from the University of Pennsylvania. He also studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Economics.

Read more: Iowa State News Service.